
申訴管道及防止報復 Establishing channels for complaints and preventing retaliation

Establishing channels for complaints and preventing retaliation is to implement the provisions of the company's Code of Conduct and Labor and Ethical Management Regulations, and to encourage reporting of any illegal or unethical behaviors that violate the Code of Conduct and ethical standards.



  1. 官網Winstek's website:關於台星科à聯絡我們 About UsàContact Us
  2. 專用信箱Dedicated mailbox:
    Legal@winstek.com.tw       稽核室Internal Audit Office
    Kim.chen@winstek.com.tw 人力資源部主管Human Resource Department top executive
  3. 專線電話Dedicated telephone:
    03-5936565 ext. 169            稽核室Internal Audit Office
    03-5936565 ext. 161   人力資源部主管Human Resource Department top executive
  4. 書信地址Address:307410 新竹縣芎林鄉6鄰鹿寮坑176-5號 No. 176-5, Luliaokeng, 6th Ling, Qionglin Township, 307410 Hsinchu County, Taiwan
  5. 公司意見箱Company Suggestion Box:1樓及4樓茶水間Tea room on the 1st and 4th floor